Our consultancy services include user experience, integration, content strategy, email marketing and data management. We provide consultancy services from our offices in Wellington, and we are also available to consult nationwide. Let’s start the conversation.
Consultancy services
We’re happy to consult on any aspect of your organisation’s web presence. With that said, details of some of our specialities follow.
User experience
Webstruxure can help you how improve the experience users have on your site, and that’s not just a matter of looks, it’s a matter of results.
If your website users struggle to see why they should want your product, or how to buy it, they’re going to go elsewhere to get what they want. Your product might be the best of its kind, but poor user experience on your website will put your users off.
We want to help you convert website users into loyal customers. We’re very happy to have an initial conversation with you about user experience, perform a user experience review of your site, or set up an in-depth user experience and user insights programme.
Instead of spending a lot of time and money using, updating and managing a heap of unrelated systems that don’t work well together, come and talk with us about your system integration problems and needs. We’ll help you develop and prioritise a roadmap to get all your systems singing from the same songsheet.
Content strategy
Content is one of your organisation’s most valuable resources, but all too often it’s treated more like a dumping ground than a strategic resource.
Webstruxure can help you develop a content strategy and turn it into an actionable content plan. We’ve done this for all kinds and sizes of organisations. With Webstruxure’s help, you can get on top of your content instead of having it get on top of you.
Email marketing
It’s getting harder to persuade email recipients to spend two minutes of their day reading your email, over and above someone else’s. Solving that problem requires a systematic approach, and Webstruxure’s consultants can help.
We can create a content strategy for your email campaigns which delivers your key messages to your customers over time in an engaging way. When you deliver consistently useful and engaging emails your readers will find them worth reading, and they’ll want more.
Data management
In an ideal world your organisation’s data is clear, consistent, standardised and easily understandable, and you can easily use it to help meet user goals and business needs.
But we don’t live in an ideal world. All too often data is incomplete, inconsistent, and anything but standardised, and hence very hard to work with.
Have no fear! Webstruxure’s team has experience working with data nightmares. We can take data from multiple sources with missing or incomplete fields, and turn it into a useable resource for your company. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to take an initial look, or dive right in.
Consultancy: Most of all, it’s about listening
Some consultants parachute into your organisation, write a glossy report based on things they learned in management school, and parachute back out. The consultants get paid, their report goes in your bottom drawer, and your organisation moves on – a little disillusioned, a little wiser, and more than a little poorer.
That’s not how Webstruxure does consultancy. Our approach is based on listening: listening to the views of your staff, your stakeholders, and where necessary, your users.
Next, we match what we’ve learned with what we know from our own extensive experience of solving web problems in the real world, where time is tight, budgets are limited, and your staff are people, not automatons.
And then we work with your organisation to develop recommendations that are actionable, practical, and realistic, and a roadmap of how to achieve them. We’ve all seen over-ambitious web projects announced in a blaze of glory only to fall over in recriminations and massive cost overruns a few years later. Webstruxure advocates a staged approach, in which web projects are carried out in affordable chunks, and the learnings from each stage are used to inform the next stage.
For us consultancy isn’t about the glossy report and the expense account. It’s about working alongside you to deliver meaningful, achievable solutions.
“Consultants? All They Do Is Take Your Money To Tell You What You Already Know!!”
Webstruxure’s consultancy services aren’t like this because they arise out of our other work. At the core of our consultancy services is years of experience solving real-world problems for real-world clients.
So when you’ve brought us in to discuss your business, review your web presence, or provide recommendations and a roadmap, we do that on the basis of what works with real people and real organisations, not shiny theoretical models. Our focus is on giving you actionable, practical, realistic recommendations.
And sometimes you may actually need consultants to tell you what you already know. Because sometimes senior management is more willing to listen to an external consultant than to their own staff. That shouldn’t be the case, but we’ve run into this situation more than once.
We prefer to tell you what you don’t know – but, if necessary, we can even tell you the things you do.